Colonic (Large Intestine Surgery)

Colonic Surgery

It is an inverted U shape hollow muscular organ situated in the middle and both sides of abdomen. Its approx.. 5 feet in length and joins small intestine to rectum. The colon is made up of five parts: the cecum,  ascending colon, the transverse colon the descending colon & the sigmoid colon. The main role of the colon is to process indigestible food material and then pushes it to rectum for evacuation.

Diseases of Colon


Expertise Available

Currently majority of colonic operations are performed laparoscopically. Dr Verma has vast experience of laparoscopic colonic surgery. It leads to less pain & medications and early recovery following surgery.


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A center of Excellence for GI Surgery

Awards and Honour German Academic Fellowship (DAAD) 1992 | Das Mohapatra Oration 2012 at ASICON 2012 at Kolkata | Best Laparoscopic Video award at National Conference of I.A.G.E.S.- 1997 Ludhiana | Metrogyl visiting professorship in laparoscopic surgery by Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo surgeons.– 2003 | Bahrampur oration 2007 by Orissa Chapter of ASI- 2007 | Presidential Oration in SELSICON 2014 Bhubneswar 2014 | Dr. H. Lalmohon Singh Oration of Manipur chapter of ASI, 2015 | Dr. PC Dubey Oration , KGMU Lucknow, 2018 | Bhubaneswar Oration Odisha Chapter of ASI Conf. Balasore. 2019